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TK1924 Reka bentuk dan atur cara.

Merupakan lanjutan daripada kursus pengaturcaraan C (TK1913). Antara ciri tambahan seperti penggunaan ruang ingatan dinamik, penunding dan penggunaan pustaka C++ berorientasikan objek. Kursus dikendalikan dalam kelas dan makmal. Pengaturcaraan dalam dunia sebenar; perbincangan beberapa aspek berkaitan pembangunan aturcara besar. Kursus ini meliputi algoritma, pengenalan kepada struktur data, teknik carian dan isihan. Topik termasuk classes, rekabentuk berorientasikan objek, penunding, senarai terpaut, timbunan, giliran, algoritma isihan dan pokok dedua.

This is an advance course for C++ languange (TK1914). Additional features such as dynamic memory allocation, pointers and other C++ library using object oriented design. The course is conducted in a classroom and laboratory. Programming in real world; discussion of several aspects related to the development of large programs. The course will be covering on algorithms, introduction to data structure, searching and sorting techniques. Topics include classes, Object Oriented Design (OOD), pointers, linked list, stack, queues, sorting algorithm and binary trees.
  • Bronson, G. 2006. A First Book of C++, From Here to There. Ed. ke-3. Boston: Thomson Learning. Deitel, H.M. & Deitel, P.J. 2003. C++ How to Program. Ed. ke-4. New Jersey: Pearson Education International.
  • Malik, D.S. 2007. C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design. Ed. ke-3. Boston: Thomson Learning.
  • Pohl, I. 2002. C++ By Dissection: The Essentials of C++ Programming. Boston: Addison-Wesley. Savitch, W. 2007. Absolute C++. Ed. ke-3. Boston: Addison-Wesley.

    you can download here.!

    1. Classes
    2. Object oriented design
    3. Pointer
    4. Linked list
    5. Stacks
    6. Queues
    7. Sorting
    8. Binnary trees
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